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What to do if you find kittens


Updated: Jul 1, 2021

You were having a pretty normal day, and BAAHM you stumble across a kitten(s). Your next steps are crucial for their wellbeing. Here are a few things to keep in mind when you are trying to rescue an outdoor kitten.

  1. Pay attention to the kittens physical health. If they look pretty healthy there is most likely a mother nearby.

  2. Do a quick sweep of the property and see if you can find littermates and their queen.

  3. If you determine the kitten is orphaned please go to our blog post How To Save an Orphaned Kitten. Here you will find the step to take to help increase their chance of survival.

  4. Do not attempt to take just one kitten unless they are orphaned. Make arrangements to grab all kittens and the mother together.

  5. Most likely mom will need to be trapped. You may be able to borrow a trap from your local shelter. If not they sell them on Amazon!

Don't want to be this involved? That's ok! Contact your local rescue. Please do not take a single kitten away from their mother. They should nurse to at least 7 weeks. There are resources all over the United States to help if you find yourself in this situation. Please send us a message at Kitten Season if you have any questions.


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