You just brought home your first fur baby and is was a very exciting experience. After a few weeks though you noticed him or her are doing some things you wish they wouldn’t. Here are some way to help you cohabitate smoother.

Your cat makes a mess while you’re at work. Make sure you are leaving them enough food, water and litter while you’re gone. Cats do not eat like dogs. They need to nibble all day. If their basic needs are met and they are still acting crazy try created a room or space in your house that is dedicated to all things cat! Cat tree, toys, treats, nip! They will wear themselves out in the corner or room and won’t have time to wreak havoc/ what they consider play on your personal items☺️
2.) Your cat likes to get under the couch, and you don’t want them there. Find something to create a bumper so they cannot get under it. Cats like tight dark spaces. Things that are of nightmares for others are a cats favorite things! Remember your cat is a part of your family. If you know you do not want animals on your furniture DO NOT get a cat. You can train a cat but they will get on your furniture. If you want to train them to stay off the counter start the first day you get them and be consistent. Create the kitty room for them counter free and leave them in there to play while you’re at work😁.
3.)Your cat is scratching the furniture. Firstly , do not declaw. It is cruel and there are other methods I will explain now. The best in my opinion is trimming their nails. I love this option as it does not hurt them at all. Second, you can get nail covers for them. They don’t stay on forever so you need to reapply them when one pops off. Some people say these hurt cats , but I’m not so sure as they are wildly used. They are super cute too. It looks like their nails are painted. Thirdly, make sure they have plenty of stuff they can scratch like scratch pads and posts. Put catnip on them so they are more attracted to be near and scratch it.
4.) They wake you up at night . You have a few options here. A.)Wear ear plugs (I do this). B.) Keep your door shut, although sleeping together is very bonding. C.) Feed them wet food right before bed. Leave dry food and water out for them through out the night. Make sure the bowl is full as we know cats do not like empty bowls😂 Also do not keep any toys near the bed. They need to know it’s sleepy time and if they want to play they can leave the room. I foster many kittens and they will sleep on me from the moment I go to bed till I wake up. They will not move. It can be done.
I think a lot of problems for a troubled cat can be solved with enough , toys, treats, food, water. If your cat is acting in ways you wish they wouldn’t take a step back and see if it’s because there is something that they need. They might just want more attention from you.💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜