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What I Do If My Bottle Baby Is Constipated

Bottle babies are extremely delicate and hard to keep alive. For this reason if we choose to bottle feed with must be vigilant in all of their needs. Bottle babies are neonatal kittens from 1 day old to 4 weeks. They need help doing everything, and even the doo doo! Here are some things I have done to help my bottle babies who are having a hard time going number 2!

  1. I add one more ration of water if I'm using powdered formula. It is much easier to buy the liquid formula but it can get very expensive. If you choose to use KMR please remember to refrigerate the bottle but also the lose powder. It cannot sit out, and will eventually make them sick. In my city KMR is available at most pet stores and is widely used. The ratio of mixing the formula is 2:1, but if you see your neonate is not able to poop or seems backed up add one more ration of water making it 3:1.

2.) Massaging the belly and anus under warm water. If the kitten is a neonate you must do with warm water and in a warm room. Blow dry immediately after. This may not work the first time. Continue every few hours alongside one of the suggestions below. Please consult your vet if this is very new to you. Neonates are very fragile and one mistake can cost them their life.

3.) Adding extra virgin olive oil. If I am not seeing that the extra water is working I add a few drops of oil using a syringe to help me with measuring. If they are no longer a neonate but still nursing ( let's say 6 weeks) I can even add up to .1 of oil to a fresh bottle of formula. Once they have pooped I stop the oil and continue to add the extra water for a bottle or two. You need to be careful how much you add as the oil can cause diareaha. I stop the oil once they have had a bowl movement. Once their poop is normal again stop adding the extra water. You do not want to water down the calories. We only do this if they are not able to pass a bowl movement.

4.) Adding Milk of Magnesia. If you are going to add this you need to make sure they are really constipated. You can buy this at any pharmacy, and please contact your local vet familiar with kittens for the proper dose per their weight.

5.) Lactulose is a liquid you can get from your vet in extreme cases of constipation. A very small kitten can die from constipation. It needs immediate attention, and if you're a newbie see if you can consult a rescue or vet in order to obtain and given the proper dosing. I have seen lactulose help even the most constipated kittens. It works, but make sure it is given under proper guidance.

I hope this helps you in some way. This is here to provoke thought and awareness on the common problem of constipation in neonates or very small kittens. In no way should this replace speaking with a vet, but hopefully this will help you ask the right questions. In drastic cases the vet may want to do an anima, but I would also accompany that with one of the suggestions above, as I have seen an anima alone not being enough.

We are all in this to save lives, and I'm sure there is much more information out there. I'm just trying to help with the little that I know. Have a wonderful day, and thank you for helping save lives!

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