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Quick Do's and Don'ts When You Find a Kitten

You just found a stray kitten outside. Here are some quick tips to help keep you from making any deadly mistakes.

  1. DON'T ever feed a kitten cow's milk. Do buy kitten formula or goat's milk works for a temporary fill. Once you have kitten formula you can mix water and goats milk with the powder. Look up ratios on the back of the can.

2. DON'T immediately give a bowl of dry food. Do wash hands and check to see if the kitten has teeth.

3. DON'T put the kitten in a cold room. Any cold draft can make a kitten sick. Do turn up your AC to 78 degrees.

4. DON'T treat all kittens the same. If eyes are closed and or they do not have teeth do not put in a box. Do get a heating pad. Put in the bottom of the box on low and cover with a blanket, and then put in the box. It is critical that they stay warm 24/7. Neonates CANNOT EAT COLD OR COLD FOOD.

5. DON'T ever take a sick kitten or a neonate to a shelter. They do not always have the resources to care for them. Do read my other blog posts for care tips and contact ALL your local rescues OVER and OVER again until you find someone to help you. If the kittens are healthy and the shelters are not over capacity take them there but NOT if they are sick or under 5 weeks old.

Email KSTV if you have any questions, and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.

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