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5 Reasons to Adopt a Cat

I'm sure you have heard the popular phrase adopt don't shop, but why is this phrase so popular? Why should you do it? Here are 5 reasons we at Kitten Season TV think you should adopt a feline or canine friend this year!!

  1. It makes financial sense. All of the hard work and vetting has already been done by the rescue or shelter you are adopting from. The typical adoption fee runs between $65-100. If you get a free kitten know that none of the vetting has most likely been done and it will run you between $300-$500. I think this is a pretty good reason to adopt.

  2. Having a companion animal is good for your stress. As humans we experience a good amount of suffering from our own hand. Repetitive negative thinking couple with a bad day is the perfect time to pet a cat or play with a dog. Feline friends provide emotional support, and have been proven to help heart and stress health.

  3. You will be saving a life. If you at all believe in karmic law. Or to do good, good will befall you then this is a no brainer. Just saving one life from being euthanized or living on the streets will definitely make you feel amazing ! Your new adopted friend will be there for you during good times and bad, and will know you saved its life. Animals are a lot smarter and intuitive than we give them credit for.

  1. If you suffer from depression or anxiety may I suggest that you adopt an animal from your local rescue or shelter. Interacting and caring for an animal has been proven by scientists to lower cortisol levels and increase oxytocin that is released into the body. Just these two chemical reactions can lower a persons anxiety or depression. This is one I know from personal experience as it’s helped me a lot!

  2. Lastly we at KSTV feel you should adopt instead of shop because it will help with over population in areas that have an explosion of kittens every year. Cats are domesticated animals. They suffer greatly every year on the street. I hope one or all of these benefits will pull at your heart strings and help you make the decision to open your home to a furry friend. Please adopt and do not shop. Here at KSTV we do not support breeders when there are so many unwanted animals living on the street. When you choose to adopt you are choosing compassion over profit, and life over death.

Thank you for reading. Please sign up to become a member for free, and use our free online forum for any questions you have .

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